New York Pediatric Society Constitution
Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be “The New York Pediatric Society”.
To promote and stimulate clinical study and exchange of ideas amongst health care professionals who provide care to infants, children, and adolescents.
1. Membership shall be limited to physicians who have received their degree of M.D. five years previous to time of application.
2. Superseded by Amendment I on February 19, 1932, Edward Lehman, Secretary.
3. No candidate who has been rejected shall be proposed again until six months shall have expired.
The Officers shall be:
● President
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Program Chair Person
The executive committee members are comprised of the officers of the society. Executive committee members shall be appointed for a minimum of two years and shall continue to serve subject to the will of membership. Executive committee members should serve as mentors to their successors for the next academic year. It is understood that under the resignation of the President, the Vice President will become President.
1. The Advisory Committee shall be composed of members who have held the office of president, and they are to serve the term of three year, the retiring president automatically becoming a member of the Advisory Committee, succeeding the member of the Advisory Committee who has already served a term of three years.
2. The nomination and election of the officers shall take place at the May meeting. The candidates for nomination shall be presented by the Advisory Committee.
3. The duties of the officers, including the Advisory Committee, shall be in accordance with the accepted standards of similar organizations.
4. In addition to his customary duties, the treasurer shall arrange for the place of meeting.
5. The executive committee shall be in charge of programming for the year.
The society shall hold at least one meeting a month with the exception of June, July, August, and September.
1. The constitution may be changed at any time by consent of three-quarters vote of the members present, provided change shall be voted on at two successive meetings.
2. By-laws may also be changed at any time by unanimous consent of all members present.
3. Superseded by Amendment II on February 17, 1933, Edward Lehman, Secretary.
4. The President shall appoint a Membership Committee of three to investigate and ascertain the eligibility of candidates and recommend same to the membership body.
5. The President shall also appoint a Programme Committee of three who will arrange a scientific programme for the ensuing team.
Strike out all of Section 2 of Article III and substitute therefore the following: -
Candidates for admission may be proposed at any meeting by a member of this Society and such proposals shall then be referred to, as The Executive Committee. Candidates for admission shall submit current curriculum vitae to the Executive Committee to be circulated at the upcoming meeting. that they have been engaged in some special study of pediatrics and shall have published their findings. The Chairman of the Committee on Admissions shall notify the Secretary not later than two weeks prior to the date of the meeting at which the election is to be held. The vote shall be by secret ballot of the members present at the designated meeting, but any member who expects to be absent may have the privilege of casting his vote in writing with the Secretary at any time before said meeting. Two dissenting votes shall be deemed sufficient to reject any candidate for membership.
The above amendment to the Constitution was regularly ratified in accordance of the By-laws at the meetings on January 15, 1932 and February 19, 1932.
S/ Edward Lehman,
Section 3 of the By-laws of the Constitution shall read as follows: -
“Members shall be dropped from the membership roll if they are in arrears of dues for one year, if they fair to be present at three successive meetings, or if they fail to be present or to offer to present a paper before the Society at least once in three years. Violation of these provisions, however, may be duly excused by the Executive Committee.”
The above amendment was regularly ratified by the vote of the Society at the meeting of February 17, 1933.
S/ Edward Lehman,
3 February 1960
At a stated meeting of the New York Pediatric Society of this date, more than three-fourths of the members present voted to eliminate all age restriction for membership in the New York Pediatric Society.
An abstract of each paper presented shall be filed with the Secretary at the time of the presentation, and later a copy of the paper of a reprint of it shall be filed with the Secretary ... Adopted October 24, 1930.
Guests may be invited by the Program Committee to discuss papers … Adopted November 21, 1930.
The Program Committee may invite non-members to deliver papers before the Society … Adopted October 24, 1930.
It shall be the duty of any member proposing a candidate to submit the qualifications of the prospective member to the Membership Committee … Adopted April 15, 1932.
The Secretary shall include noted of the proposed election of new members on the notice of the meeting at which the election is to be held … Adopted November 8, 1933.
Before any election of a new member shall be held, his qualifications shall be presented to the Society at two preceding meetings … Adopted January 3, 1934.
Before a guest can be invited to present or discuss a paper, the approval of the President shall be obtained … Adopted February 5, 1936.
The designation of Associate Member shall be established for those members who cannot attend regularly. They need not pay dues; they receive the notices of the meetings; they may attend any meeting; and they may resume active membership at any time … Adopted March 2, 1938.
This organization shall be known hereafter as the NEW YORK PEDIATRIC SOCIETY … Adopted May 11, 1938.
Amendment I dealing with admission to The Society: Candidates for admission shall satisfy The Committee on Admissions that they have engage in some special study of pediatrics and shall have published their findings.
To read:
Candidates for admission to The Society shall have demonstrated scholarly interest and potential in the field of pediatrics, either by publication, teaching experience or reputation.
Amended to read:
Candidates for admission to The Society shall be board certified in pediatrics or related fields, and shall have maintained a scholarly interest in pediatrics, demonstrated by publication; and/or teaching and/or public efforts on behalf of children.
Proposed changes: Members of the society may nominate themselves or others for any of the Executive Committee positions. Nominations may be submitted any time between the academic year of November to May.
In view of the changing nature of pediatrics, we will allow affiliate members.
Affiliate members, non-physician allied health members.